Haryana Governor Shri Bandaru Dattatraya has greeted Major (Retd) Bahal Singh Yadav on his 100th birthday

हरियाणा के राज्यपाल श्री बंडारू दत्तात्रेय ने श्री गुरु तेग बहादुर जी के शहीदी दिवस पर उन्हें श्रद्धापूर्वक याद करते हुए कहा कि श्री गुरु तेग बहादुर जी शहादत की इतिहास में कोई बराबरी नहीं है।

Chandigarh, Sept. 12 2021 Haryana Governor Shri Bandaru Dattatraya has greeted Major (Retd) Bahal Singh Yadav on his 100th birthday. Shri Dattatraya called up Major Yadav, who is based in Faridabad, to convey birthday wishes to him.
The pride of Haryana and the nation, Major Yadav was wounded on duty in the 1965 war. Still shrapnel in his thigh, Major Yadav is a living symbol of an indomitable spirit.
Governor Shri Dattatraya has also wished Shri Bahl Singh Yadav a long life and good health and said that the indomitable courage of Shri Yadav will continue to boost the spirit of our brave soldiers.

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