Haryana State Legal Services Authority organized its 4th National Lok Adalat

National Lok Adalat
National Lok Adalat

Chandigarh, December 11 2021

Haryana State Legal Services Authority organized its 4th National Lok Adalat under the guidance of Justice Augustine George Masih, Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court and Executive Chairman, Haryana State Legal Services Authority across the State of Haryana today.   The National Lok Adalat was organized in 22 District and 33 sub-divisions of Haryana and 49324 cases were settled pertaining to “Civil, Criminal, Matrimonial, Bank Recovery, etc” including the cases of Permanent Lok Adalats (Public Utility Services) working in all the ADR Centres out of 122456.  The purpose of holding National Lok Adalat is to facilitate a platform to the litigants to settle their disputes amicably.

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Giving information in this regard an official spokesperson said that on the day of National Lok Adalat, Justice Augustine George Masih, Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court and Executive Chairman, HALSA has physically inspected the courts of Panchkula District and Kalka Sub Division holding the proceedings of National Lok Adalats and has also interacted with the Presiding officers of the Court, parties and litigants as well. He said that Justice Masih has also monitored the Lok Adalats through video conferencing across the State of Haryana.

The spokesperson further said that Justice Augustine George Masih has conveyed his best wishes for successful National Lok Adalat and congratulate all the courts for making their best efforts in identifying maximum number of cases for today’s National Lok Adalat and emphasized that Lok Adalat is an effective alternative dispute resolution method for ensuring quick and final consensual disposal of cases binding on the parties without incurring any extra cost or fees.

Justice Masih has called upon to settle maximum number of cases as Lok Adalat is a system of alternative dispute resolution which finds its origin in India and got established as a system with the changing times.  Lok Adalats not only settle pending dispute or disputes going to arise between parties but it also ensures social harmony as parties to dispute settle their cases amicably to their full satisfaction and also decongests courts as matters are settled amicably with the consent of parties eliminating further litigation in form of appeals and revisions.  The limited resources available with the courts are relieved and are made available to dispense justice expeditiously and in an effective manner.  Apart from settlement of dispute, parties are benefitted by return of court fee paid by them at the time of institution of cases.

The spokesperson said that considering the current prevailing situation, Haryana State Legal Services Authority directed to conduct Lok Adalats physically or virtually across the State as per local requirements.   Necessary directions were also issued to follow health protocols strictly such as wearing of masks, sanitization of hands, social distancing etc. for prevention against COVID-19.

He said that last year, due to COVID pandemic, Haryana State Legal Services Authority organized its 1st E-Lok Adalat on September 18, 2020 through video conferencing across the State of Haryana with an aim to resolve the cases/disputes of parties through one of the effective mechanism of alternate disputes. After a successful conduct of E-Lok Adalat, the HALSA moved its step towards Daily E-Lok Adalat in Haryana which aim to help the litigants for amicable settlement of disputes.

The spokesperson informed that daily Lok Adalats were first started in one of the districts on experimental basis. After encouraging results, daily Lok Adalats were started in remaining districts. At present, daily Lok Adalats are being held in all the 22 districts of Haryana.  In the year 2021, a total of 45,747 Daily Lok Adalats were held and 67,617 cases were decided.  Total amount of Rs. 23,37,49,776 was settled.

He further informed that in 2021, National Lok Adalats were held earlier April, July and September in 2021 wherein 74,019 cases were decided and amount of Rs.2,13,88,45,984 was settled.

        He said that  during today’s National Lok Adalat, 25962 cases were taken up and 9888 cases were disposed of at pre-litigative stage.  Total amount of Rs. 37,82,82,935 was settled.

        He said that apart from that, 96494 pending cases were taken up and out of 39436 cases were decided.  Total amount of Rs. 1,33,90,40,604 was settled.

Total number of 49324 cases both at pre litigative and pending stage were settled; settling total amount of Rs. 1,71,73,23,539 between the parties.