In today’s era daily life compliments are regarded as an essential key to win a girl’s heart. They make them happy and more confident about themselves. Here are some compliments girls love to hear:

1. “You look beautiful.”Out of compliments like “hot” and “sexy”, every girl prefers being called beautiful. The word has a special essence to it which can do wonders on a date.

2. “Beauty with Brains.”- The word “beauty” goes along well with “brains”. Girls love it when their intellect is also noticed apart from their beauty.

3. “You are unique.”- Nobody likes being considered ordinary. Girls appreciate it when they are told that they possess certain qualities which are unique to them, something you have not noticed in any other person before.

4. Appreciating their outfitGirls love dressing up and they take even more time than usual to dress up while hanging out with a guy. Thus, appreciating their efforts on clothes and makeup is a must. It would make her day when all her efforts are noticed. 

5. “I love you along with your flaws.”- Acceptance is the core of every relation. Girls are always concerned if someone would point out their flaws. On the other hand, they love it when they are accepted along with their good and bad qualities, both.

6. “You are the reason for my happiness.” Yet another thing a girl likes is them making you happy. They feel good about themselves if they know they have the ability to influence your mood.

7. “You are an independent woman.”- This might not appear as a big deal but girls like being appreciated for their self-independence. The idea that they are capable of handling everything on their own sounds nice to women.

A single compliment can have drastic changes in the behavior of a woman while making them happy at the same time. That’s why every guy should use polite words and gestures.