Hair care is extremely essential. Our body produces certain oils in the scalp to keep it hydrated and moisturized. Without it, the scalp would feel dry. Sometimes there is excessive release of oils in the scalp which can be uncomfortable and cause other hair problems like dandruff or an itchy scalp. It is important to pay attention to such problems. They are most likely to occur do to clogging of pores because of the excessive oil. Here is why your hair gets greasy real quick and some remedies to deal with them:

1. Use Of Hot Water: Warm water is required to open the pores at the ends of your hair and remove all the excessive sebum and dirt accumulated there. However, it can drain away all the oil and make your hair dry and cause dandruff. In order to deal with that you should shampoo using hot water but rinse your hair using cold water while washing off the conditioner.
2. Avoid Touching Your Hair: It has been found that when we touch our hair too much they get more greasy because the dirt on our hands stick to our hair. So use a hair spray to keep your hair in place and avoid touching them too often.
3. Proper Brushing: It is important to brush your hair to keep them untangledbut excessive combing can be damaging for your hair. It can also make your hair greasy. When you brush your hair often the excessive oils on the scalp spread throughout the hair and make it look flat and dull.
4. Environment: Your environment could also be making your hair greasy. If you live in a polluted city you might want to use a scarf to avoid all the dirt sticking to your hair.