Horticulture department conducts drive to check status of pesticides at Pulwama

PULWAMA, MAY 25, 2021: The Department of Horticulture Pulwama under the supervision of Chief Horticulture Officer (CHO) conducted an extensive tour of Pulwama town to check the status of pesticides in the district.
During the tour several pesticide outlets located in Pulwama were inspected and necessary sale stop orders in respect of three pesticide outlets and one pesticide godown were issued on the spot.
CHO urged  upon all the pesticide dealers to remain available for the farming community during this pandemic situation so that the farmers do not have to face any inconvenience. He said such visits will continue in future to check the quality of pesticides and insecticides sold to farmers.
The CHO during the visit was accompanied by District Law Enforcement Officer Pulwama, District Level Subject Matter Specialist Pulwama and other Enforcement officers.