How To Keep Your House Clean During Winter

How To Keep Your House Clean During Winter
How To Keep Your House Clean During Winter

It gets difficult to ensure circulation in your homes during winters. You tend to spend more time indoors and everything gets trapped inside. During these times, it is very important to keep the air inside your house clean and filtered. Here are some ways you can keep the air clean:

Open a window

This is the most cost- efficient way to clean out the air in your house. It might get chilly but you can do this just for a while so as to not lose too much heat. Do it a few times through the week and you are good to go. Make sure to open it at a time when there is not too much activity outside your house. Wait until the traffic reduces or the snow reduces and then open it.

Get some houseplants

Indoor plants is a great way to naturally purify air. It is the best solution to having more oxygen supply in your house. It reduces the levels of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, xylene and benzene. It also peps up the decor. Make sure to tend to these plants regularly so as to not develop mold. Check for allergies before getting a house plant. You can choose from Devil’s ivy, Gerbera daisy, Snake plant and Bamboo palm.

Essential Oil Diffusers

Oils from eucalyptus, rosemary and clove help in reducing bacteria and dsut mites. Peppermint, lavender, basil, tea tree, and chamomile oils work great as air purifiers. They improve the quality of the air while also making it smell great!

Air purifier

This is a long term solution to the problem. It keeps the impurities out during the long cold months. Purifier flushes out those particles that get swept up while cleaning, dusting and vacuuming. This goes a long way in keeping people with allergies and asthama safe.

High Heat Oils for cooking

The air in the house gets smokier everytime you cook. Turning on a fan is one of dealing with it but it is still too cold for you to keep it on until the air gets filtered out. Oils with low smoke points like extra virgin olive oil, it tends to burn faster. Swap these out with oils with high smoke points like canola, sunflower, safflower, peanut, avacado and corn. Keep a window open while cooking. These oils will not stick to your clothes and will not linger in the air for too longer either.

Change your filters regularly

Filters need to be changed regularly if your heating system is a forced- air system. The same goes for air conditioner. Replace those filters regularly and this will prevent pollutants like dust, bacteria and mites from circulating in your house.

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