ICDS Project Zanskar conducts awareness camp at Tungri

KARGIL, SEPTEMBER 01, 2022:-  
ICDS Project Zanskar on Wednesday conducted an awareness camp in two parts first at Panchayat Ghar Tungri and at Community Hall Tahan.
At Panchayat Ghar Tungri more than 120 people participated in the camp including PRI members, senior citizens, women, students of Tungri High School.
The participants were briefed about different services and schemes of ICDS and the Social Welfare Department including umbrella ICDS, PMMVY, Scholarships and different Pension Schemes.
Murtaza, Librarian, GMDC Zanskar was one of the resource person who talked about different scholarship schemes particularly PMSSS and Rewa Scholarship.
Principal High School Tungri also interacted with the ICDS team and the audience.  Besides, a doubt-clearing session was also held.
At Community Hall Tahan, majority of the participants were womenfolk who were briefed about the importance of services provided at Anganwadi centres and the need to bring their children (6months to 6 years) and P/L mothers at AWCs. They were also briefed about the need for good health and nutritional needs and different practices to meet them.
PMMVY and different pension and scholarship schemes were also discussed.
Later, supervisor ICDS Project Zanskar visited different Anganwadi Centres such as Tungri, and Tahan.
Besides, providing awareness on different services and schemes of ICDS and SWD to the general public, growth monitoring in terms of weight and height measurement of children at respective AWCs were also done in presence of their parent and guardians.
The parents were briefed about the weight and height of their children and were told about health status of the children and importance of measuring the children every month at their respective AWCs. Along with the AWWs, the parents were requested and stressed to bring the children at AWCs.
At all these AWCs, SNP is provided regularly and as per menu. Quality check of SNP was also done at respective AWCs and found to be well cooked and good. Children are served hot cooked meal regularly at all centres.
Lastly, PRI Members appreciated and thanked the department for conducting such an awareness camp.