India@75 is a declaration for a new India with new dreams, new energy and new commitment: Shri Piyush Goyal

Appealed to the industry to engage with the Government in supporting efforts to skilling India

Union Commerce & Industry Minister addresses CII’s virtual special session on ‘Synergy between the Government and Business for sustainable  growth’

DELHI : 12 AUG 2021

Union Minister of Commerce & industry Shri Piyush Goyal today virtually addressed the Confederation of Indian Industry’s Annual Summit’s special session on ‘Synergy between the Government and Business for sustainable  growth’. The Theme of this year Annual Meeting is ‘ India@75: Government and Business Working Together for Atmanirbhar Bharat’.

While delivering the keynote address, Shri Piyush Goyal said that 75 years ago we worked to get freedom, now we must work in mission mode to become Aatmanirbhar. We have a never-before opportunity to take the country to the sphere of fast-track growth, development and prosperity. At 75, it is about looking at how far we have come and the journey ahead.

Shri Goyal said that Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav is a call to action for 130 crores Indians and 130 crore is not just a number, it is 130 crore possibilities, it is our USP or Unlimited Sources of Potential. He said, we are looking at Jan-Bhagidari and Udyog-Bhagidari for an Aatmanirbhar Bharat.Shri Goyal said India’s youth is a torchbearer of the future.

Shri Goyal mentioned that India at 75 is a Declaration for a new India with new dreams, new energy and new commitment. He said thatit will be beacon of hope for the world, guided by ancient wisdom and energised by its youth. Shri Goyal said under the guidance of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, India wants to mark 75th Independence Day as a watershed moment in its history. At 75 we must look ahead with a clear vision, blueprint and resolve for the next 25 years. He said in last 7 years, India under the guidance of Prime Minister has embarked to make structural changes with the mantra of “Reform,Perform & transform has been our guiding light and these changes have made the Indian business ecosystem one of the most competitive ecosystem.Shri Goyal informed that soon to be launched National Single Window System will address issue of “window within a window”.



Shri Goyal further added that India has attracted the attention of the world and everyone is looking up to us to take the mantle. He said PLI schemes will be taken up by the business leader to improve our capacity and capability and we are pursuing FTAs with like-minded nations who share our values of democracy, transparency and rule of law. He said our aim is to make Brand India a flag bearer of Quality, productivity, talent and innovation. He added the world is looking towards India for Investment, Innovation or establishment of any Industry and India at 75 is becoming a hub for IDEAS – Investment, Demand, Exports, Aspirations &Start-ups.

Union Minister said Covid-19 has caused disruptions in our way of doing things. Post Covid, India will emerge as the driving force on the global stage and the speed and results of vaccination drive are very promising. He said India has inoculated the largest number of people in the world. He called upon the industry to take a leading hand in the vaccination drive to strengthen the synergy between businesses and government.

Shri Goyal in his concluding remarks said that the services sector drives on the back of manufacturing sector. For the country size and scale of India, the manufacturing sector is a key player. He appealed to the industry to engage with the Government in supporting efforts to skilling India. The Minister also urged CII to take more responsibility and action to help increase synergy between business and Government.