Industrial parks and industries in the country

Industrial parks and industries in the country


Industrial Park Scheme-2002, applicable for any undertaking which develops and operates, or, maintains and operates, an Industrial Park for the period beginning 1st day of April, 1997 and ending 31st day of March, 2006, was notified by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade on 1st April, 2002.

Data on Industrial Parks that have been established and functional in different States of the country during the last three years is not centrally maintained. However, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade  has built one centralized system of industrial park information which is available at Industrial Information System (IIS) and the details are being updated by the concerned States at regular intervals. A list of States/UT-wise number of Industrial Parks/Estates/Clusters/Nodes entered on Industrial Information System (IIS) is at Annexure. Industrial park information is also available in the link ‘Industrial Information System” on the website of DPIIT (

During the last three years, Department for Promotion of Industry & InternalTrade has accorded final approval for setting up of one National Investment & Manufacturing Zone (NIMZ) namely Hyderabad Pharma City NIMZ in Rangareddy district of Telangana.

Setting up of Industrial Park and Industries in different States comes under the purview of the concerned State Government itself. However, Central Government provides support to the States through its scheme/programmes, once the proposal to develop the parks/clusters/industries in a particular region is received from the concerned State Government.


State/UT-wise number of Industrial Parks/ Estates/ Clusters/ Nodes (as on 1st Feb, 2021) entered on Industrial Information System (IIS) by Ministries/ State Govt.:

S. No. Name of State/ UT Number of Industrial Parks
1 Andhra Pradesh 400
2 Arunachal Pradesh 13
3 Assam 51
4 Bihar 64
5 Chandigarh 4
6 Chhattisgarh 51
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 4
8 Daman & Diu 2
9 Delhi 31
10 Goa 24
11 Gujarat 267
12 Haryana 35
13 Himachal Pradesh 64
14 Jammu & Kashmir 58
15 Jharkhand 131
16 Karnataka 539
17 Kerala 147
18 Madhya Pradesh 120
19 Maharashtra 728
20 Manipur 5
21 Meghalaya 9
22 Mizoram 2
23 Nagaland 6
24 Odisha 129
25 Puducherry 10
26 Punjab 63
27 Rajasthan 370
28 Tamil Nadu 213
29 Telangana 147
30 Tripura 28
31 Uttar Pradesh 219
32 Uttarakhand 41
33 West Bengal 14
  Total 3,989

This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Shri Som Parkash, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.

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