Institute of Correctional Administration Addresses Drug Abuse Prevention in Prisons

Department of Public Relations
UT Chandigarh Administration
Chandigarh, 18th January 2024
– The Institute of Correctional Administration (ICA) in collaboration with the Department of Prisons and Correctional Administration, Union Territory, Chandigarh, successfully organized a one-day workshop on ‘Drug Abuse Prevention in Prison’ for the staff of Model Jail Chandigarh. The workshop, held at Model Jail, Chandigarh, aimed to raise awareness about the critical issue of drug abuse within prison facilities.
Dr. Upneet Lalli, Head Coordinator (Training & Research), ICA, highlighted the profound impact of drug abuse on inmates and the challenges faced by prison staff. Dr. Ajeet Sidana, Professor at GMCH, Chandigarh, delved into diverse drug abuse disorders, overdose effects, and strategies for relapse prevention in inmates undergoing de-addiction treatment within the prison setting. He emphasized the importance of implementing mandatory urine drug screening for new admissions to assess the presence of illegal substances and potential substance abuse issues.
Dr. Shalini Naik, Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Psychiatry at PGI, Chandigarh, shared insights on relapse prevention strategies, including habit-forming calendars, motivation cycle maintenance, emotional support, and assertiveness training. These strategies empower prison staff to actively support inmates in their de-addiction journey.
Amandeep Singh, Additional Superintendent at Model Jail, Chandigarh, facilitated valuable feedback from the jail staff, while Praveen Kumar, DSP Model Jail, expressed gratitude to Dr. Upneet Lalli for organizing the impactful workshop. Acknowledging the significance of ongoing training, it was announced that the Institute will conduct a series of workshops to further equip model jail prison staff.
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