Apart from fever, dry cough and sore throat, is diarrhoea another symptom of COVID-19? Lets find out.
There are over 8 million Corona Virus cases in India as of present. It is true that the recoveries have been of a substantial rate, but it has also caused over a million deaths! It is highly recommended that preventive measures be taken especially now when people have started to take it lightly.
According to a report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Corona virus Disease 2019, novel corona virus symptoms are “non-specific”. This means that symptoms can range from absolutely nothing to severe pneumonia and death. While most symptoms overlap with fever, dry cough and sore throat, certain specific symptoms have been categorised after conducting extensive research on the confirmed cases. The report reveals that while diarrhoea can be a symptom of corona virus. Although its occurrence as a symptom is pretty low among the confirmed cases. Despite that, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the problems persists for more than the normal time frame.
Over the past few months it has been emphasised enough that individuals over the age of 60 are at the highest risk of contracting the virus. In addition, those suffering from hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and/or cancer are more prone to the virus. People of this category are advised to be more careful about themselves and their families.
Now that we have lived under this pandemic for a substantial period of time, we are familiar with the importance of washing hands, wearing masks and keeping our surroundings clean. We should continue with this routine, after all prevention is better than cure!