JC Bose University comes forward to help Thalassemia patients.

Campaign launched in association with Rotary Blood Bank, Faridabad

‘Team Umeed’ to help in meeting the blood requirement of Thalassemia patients

Chandigarh, July 18 – Vice Chancellor, JC Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad, Professor Dinesh Kumar, while appreciating the joint initiative of the University and Rotary Blood Bank said that after successful launch of government programmes like Oxygen Refilling Management System and Jivisha Helpline in the district, YMCA has come forward with yet another social initiative to help Thalassemia patients in association with Rotary Blood Bank, Faridabad.

        Prof Dinesh Kumar has congratulated the student volunteers for making this initiative a success. He called upon the students to engage in social cause and make best use of technology for the betterment of the society.

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce hemoglobin and red blood cells, he said. Such patients require frequent blood transfusions to survive. The University along with Rotary Blood Bank, Faridabad has decided to start a registration drive for Thalassemia patients to meet their blood requirement. The team of student volunteers from the university, recognized as ‘Team Umeed’, will work to help the needy people and provide them timely assistance.

        Elaborating on this initiative, Programme Coordinator Dr. Rashmi Chawla said that patients of Faridabad district will have to register themselves through a Google link (https://forms.gle/ti2ZwQ44ijBwoKAv9) to join the campaign. After this the registration number will be given to the patient. After registration, the patient will have to visit Rotary Blood Bank, Faridabad, where the patient will be examined and blood transfusion will be done. Apart from this, the Rotary Blood Bank will also give a date for the next blood transfusion to the patient. He said that a helpline would also be started to help those patients so that in case of any problem, they can contact the student volunteers for help.

        It is worth mentioning that in order to provide technical assistance to Rotary Blood Bank by the University, an MoU has also been signed between JC Bose University and Rotary Blood Bank (RBB) Charitable Trust, Faridabad. A Data Analysis Laboratory has also been developed in the University by Rotary Blood Bank.