DODA, JUNE, 01, 2021:- Krishi Vigyan Kendra Doda, today held an online farmers’ awareness event to mark World Milk Day.
The programme was organized under the guidance of Dr J.P. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST Jammu through Google meet. The team of scientists of KVK Doda headed by Dr S.K. Gupta Director Extension SKUAST Jammu interacted with Dairy farmers of Doda and Kishtwar Districts.
Dr A.S. Charak, Senior Scientist and Head KVK Doda welcomed the participants. Dr Narinder Paul Scientist, KVK Doda highlighted the importance of the day and explained the role of milk in nutritional security and providing employment and sustainability to the rural households. During the programme, a live interaction with the participant farmers was held with Dr Bishwajit Brahma, Associate Professor, Division of Livestock Production and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, R.S. Pura, SKUAST Jammu.
During interaction, the participants asked queries related to starting small scale dairy farming, FMD problem and vaccination in cattle, feeding management for increasing milk production, clean milk production, internal and external parasites of livestock in general and diary animals in particular, issues related to AI, milk production enhancement and other problems in dairying and milk production which were replied by Dr Brahma.
Saroop Sharma, Nek Raj Sharma, Prem Raj, Mushqoor Ahmad, Ramesh K. Dutt, Prem Raj, Rafaqat Ali, Kuntal singh, Mohammad Iqbal, Hind Bhushan and other farmers attended the programme. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Dr GN Jha Scientist KVK Doda.