“Special Plant Distribution Drive” On the Eve of Independence Day
Chandigarh, August 14: On the eve of Independence Day, Mr. Justice Rajan Gupta, Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court and Executive Chairman, Haryana State Legal Services Authority launched a campaign on “Environment Protection” from the Administrative Building of Haryana State Legal Services Authority, Panchkula.
With an effort to reach the unreached, Haryana State Legal Services Authority launched this campaign immediately after launching of a year-long campaign “Quality Of Legal Services Is Key To Access To Justice For All” on 01.08.2021 at Gurugram. Haryana State Legal Services Authority is relentlessly working towards “Access to Justice” and undertaking public awareness campaigns to educate people on various social-economic issues and their rights.
The environment is the basis of our survival and the earth’s existence. Environmental protection is an important issue because the environment is on its way to degradation. Since the beginning, trees have furnished us with two of life’s essentials, food and oxygen. As we evolved, they provided additional necessities such as shelter, medicine and tools. Today, their value continues to increase and more benefits of trees are being discovered as their role expands to satisfy the needs created by our modern lifestyles.
Agreeing with the importance and value of planting trees, Haryana State Legal Services Authority has taken this initiative for imparting knowledge among general masses about environment conservation and its benefits. Under this campaign, in first instance, “Special Plant Distribution Drive” in association with Forest Department, Haryana and Horticulture Department, Haryana would take place across the State of Haryana from August 15, 2021. It aims to make public aware about benefits of planting trees and to promote environment conservation. Under this drive, Forest Department, Haryana shall provide plants including medicine plants, fruit plants, flowering and multipurpose species plants to each District of Haryana.
Under this campaign, an Action Plan has been specified for all the District Legal Services Authorities which would be followed by them in steps. DLSAs in co-ordination with the Divisional Forest Officer shall distribute these plants among students during awareness campaigns in schools/colleges on Independence Day and thereafter across the State. These plants would be given to the students in adoption.
Each student who has adopted a plant would take care of it and will ensure its growth and maintenance from time to time. District Legal Services Authorities shall maintain complete data base of the students to whom plants have been distributed. DLSAs will shortlist the name of those students who have maintained their plants best in time span of one year and allowed its growth naturally. HALSA in turn shall recognize such students with the prize who have contributed in the growth of plant adopted by them after one year.
Haryana State Legal Services Authority has left no segments of the society to unreached and making continuous efforts for creating mass awareness through different means and modes. Taking one step ahead towards the goal of “Access to Justice”, this Authority launched a year-long campaign “Quality Of Legal Services Is Key To Access To Justice For All” which was inaugurated by Mr. Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, Judge, Supreme Court of India and Executive Chairman, National Legal Services Authority. Under a year-long campaign, a series of projects were launched by HALSA which are as under:
- Inauguration of dedicated Video Conferencing and Launch of structured & regular video consultation between legal aid counsel & person availing legal aid
- Inauguration of Kids Zones in 18 DLSAs for making ADR Centres people friendly
- Release of short film on Juvenile Justice Act (Care and Protection) Act, 2015
- Release of animated short clip on rights of a person at Pre-arrest and arrest stage
- Launch of awareness posters enumerating rights of a person at pre-arrest, arrest and remand stage to be affixed in Police Stations, Courts and jails
A year-long campaign was conceptualized to strengthen the legal services at different stages and make justice accessible for all despite of any economical or social constraint. Its primary objective is to enhance the quality of legal services and maximize the efforts of Legal Services Institutions in reaching people living in any corner of the State. This campaign will extend benefit to the different sections of the society and people would be made aware of their legal and fundamental rights.
That apart, Haryana State Legal Services Authority has been taking various other steps for precaution and prevention against COVID-19 across the State of Haryana. This Authority also launched a project namely “Arrest the disease-wear a mask, don’t go close, cover your nose” on 26.03.2021 in association with Health Department, Haryana with an aim to create awareness amongst general masses about COVID health protocols as well as to educate them about mask etiquettes. Under the said project, Legal Services Authorities conducted 318 vaccination camps across the State and 45,221 persons were vaccinated. Under this project, District Legal Services Authorities are undertaking mask making campaigns in association with NGOs/Public Agencies/Jails and distributing the same to the needy persons for free of cost. 1,76,201 masks were prepared/distributed under the campaign.
This Authority also launched short animated clips on various topics such as legal aid, gender equality, COVID vaccination and mask etiquettes with an aim to sensitize maximum people on respective topics and various aspects associated with them. HALSA has also prepared publicity materials on COVID-19 which have been shared with all the District Legal Services Authorities to circulate among public at large through different electronic means so we could reach each and every person even living in far-flung areas.
That apart, HALSA is also sharing awareness material under project “Corona Home Warriors” with the help of children and social media. It aims to create maximum mass awareness on prevention against COVID-19 and effective implementation of health protocols such as wearing of mask rightly, social distancing, washing of hands frequently, hands sanitization etc.
Project ‘HOPE’ has also been launched by this Authority with an aim to help those unfortunate children who have lost their single or both parents in COVID pandemic while fighting with the disease. It aims to ensure the rights and benefits of children who are left alone or with a single surviving parent. Under the said project, 3,090 children have been identified who have lost their single parent and 84 children who have lost both the parents.