Love cheese? Learn how it can help you lose weight.

Love cheese? Learn how it can help you lose weight.

We all are guilty of treating ourselves with cheese burst pizzas and cheesy fries whenever we feel low. It does feel awesome at the very moment but leaves us regretting the next day. Now, what if you don’t have to feel guilty or regretful after your cheese indulgence? Multiple researches have found that people who eat more cheese tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI). Sounds great, right? Lets know how cheese can actually help you lose weight.

Eat fresh mozzarella for snacks

According to a study, people who eat a high-protein, moderate-calorie cheese snack eat less during their next meal. If you go for an ounce of fresh mozzarella made from whole milk, you’ll consume only 85 calories. This is way less than 200 calories present in a bag of potato chips.

It is also advised to use cheese instead of mayonnaise for sandwiches. One tablespoon of full-fat mayonnaise has 94 calories and 10 grams of fat. However, a tablespoon of cream cheese has 30 calories and 2.5 grams of fat. This sound like a very good reason to have cheese in your fridge.

Use feta cheese In homemade salads and pizzas

Feta cheese is a commonly used ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. It reduces the risk of heart diseases, and also comprises of lower fat content in comparison with other kinds of cheese.

Eat Cottage Cheese for an active life

Any paneer lovers in the house? Our very own paneer is a great source of protein. Add it to a bowl of salad and enjoy an energy packed meal.

Add Cheddar cheese to your shopping list

Cheddar is a very tasty type of cheese. It is low fat and goes best with sandwiches and salads. Indian people enjoy it with paranthas and dosas too.

Hope you got your reason to have a cheesy treat right away!

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