Manesar Tehsil of Gurugram and Sirsi village of Karnal selected for implementation of the Digital India Land Record Modernization Programme

Manesar Tehsil of Gurugram and Sirsi village of Karnal selected for implementation of the Digital India Land Record Modernization Programme

Manesar Tehsil of Gurugram and Sirsi village of Karnal selected for implementation of the Digital India Land Record Modernization Programme

Chandigarh, March 31 – Manesar Tehsil of Gurugram and Sirsi village of Karnal have been selected for implementation of the Digital India Land Record Modernization Programme which would assign unique land parcel (ID) identification number to every plot to facilitate its identification in a unique and unambiguous manner.

Launching the pilot project through video-conference today in the presence of Ajay Tirkey, Secretary, Land Resources, Govt of India, Haryana Financial Commissioner, Revenue, Sanjeev Kaushal, said the main objective of the project was to create an online land information system with open standards of APIs (Application Programming Interface). Based on GIS, the system will be OGC-compliant to enable other stakeholders to use it to generate further value.

It will also provide comprehensive information on land and properties, consisting of textual and spatial data besides maintaining consistency of the core data across all departments and agencies of governments.  It will also help cross-validate land records related data across various departments. Besides, standardization at data and application level would bring in effective integration and interoperability across departments.

Kaushal said the project would spell many advantages. Single source of truth on land will stand as authoritative reference to authenticate the ownership and other parameters of the record. Unique categorization of government lands would benefit instant identification and prevention of transfer of such lands to individuals during transactions such as registration.

A unified ID (viz., uniformity in assignment like Aadhaar number) would, in future, lead to certificate-less governance and standardization at data and application level would bring in effective integration and interoperability across departments and other stakeholders/ service providers. Besides, assigning Unique ID to each land parcel in the state would offer  unified system to all stakeholders, he added.

After successful implementation of the pilot project, the state, as per its preparedness level, may approach the NIC team and other agencies to roll out the system, said Ajay Tirkey.