MCM holds national poster making competition on drugs


The Women Development Cell of Mehr Chand Mahajan DAV College for Women, Chandigarh, in collaboration with Department of Fine Arts, organised a national level Poster Making Competition under the ‘Nasha Mukt Bharat Campaign’ of the Department of Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, Chandigarh Administration. The theme of the competition was ‘Say No to Drugs’. Over 92 students from across the country participated enthusiastically in the competition. Through their thought-provoking creative entries, the participants gave the message of choosing life over drugs and highlighted the detrimental effects of drugs. The first three winners were awarded e-certificates and cash prizes.
Principal Dr. Nisha Bhargava expressed appreciation for this endeavour to raise awareness about the menace of drugs. She added that for a brighter future of the country, it is imperative that the youth are motivated to adopt a healthy and positive outlook towards life, and the ones who have strayed from their path need to be brought into the mainstream.

The prize winners are:
1st: Khwaish (MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh)
2nd: Preeti (PU, Chandigarh)
3rd: Kritika (MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh)
Consolation: Rupinder Kaur (KMV, Jalandhar) and Guntaj (MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh)