MCM holds workshop on e-content generation


The UGC Committee of Mehr Chand Mahajan DAV College for Women, Chandigarh, under the aegis of IQAC of the college, organised a workshop on ‘E-Content Generation’. Organised for the teaching faculty of the college, the workshop had Dr Vibha Sharma, Chief Coordinator of IQAC and Convener of E-Content Infrastructure Committee as the resource person. E-content generation and organization was discussed by the resource person besides providing hands-on training for generating e-content with the help of PPTs, YouTube, Google Forms, etc. All quadrants like videos, assessment, discussion forums, feedback were discussed comprehensively and demonstrated by the resource person. Over 60 members of the faculty attended the workshop and benefitted from it.
Principal Dr. Nisha Bhargava asserted that with online teaching acquiring the centrestage during the pandemic, it has become imperative for the teaching faculty to enhance their skills for e-content generation so as to make learning even more fruitful for the students. She strongly advocated innovation in teaching, learning and evaluation for the benefit of students in such troubled times.