Chandigarh 19 May 2022
With the objective of educating and motivating students to explore career opportunities in the area of start-ups, the Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of Mehr Chand Mahajan DAV College for Women, Chandigarh organised two separate events that included
an online session on ‘Converting Innovation/Prototype into a Start-up’ and an expert lecture on ‘How to plan for Start-ups and Legal and Ethical Steps’.
The keynote address for the session on ‘Converting Innovation/Prototype into a Start-up’ was delivered by President, MCM IIC and Principal of the college, Dr. Nisha Bhargava. Dr. Bhargava said that the importance of a start-up cannot be ignored in the present scenario where the number of job seekers considerably outnumber the available job opportunities. She stressed on the practical relevance of building and validating a prototype to pitch a business proposal to prospective investors. Dr. Bhargava further added that the college, through such endeavours, envisions to encourage the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among the students. Dr. Manika Kohli, Innovation Ambassador (IIC) and Assistant Professor, PG Department of Commerce of the college was the resource person for the session. During the session, she acquainted the students with the relevance and the art of building a prototype and further converting it into a start-up through examples of well-known companies like Groupon, Airbnb, Uber, Dropbox, etc. The students were equipped with the knowledge of giving shape to their innovative ideas by developing prototypes which will help them pitch their proposals at various platforms. Tips to convert one’s idea into a prototype were also shared by the speaker. Enthusiastic participation of 105 students and faculty members made the event a huge success. The resource person for the expert lecture on ‘How to plan for Start-ups and Legal and Ethical Steps’ was Women Entrepreneur Mindset Coach and Business Consultant Ms. Kajal Dubey, Founder and CEO, Our Virtual Solutions. A total of 117 students and faculty members have attended the lecture that acquainted them with planning for start-ups and various funding options. Ms. Kajal also explained in detail the various legal and ethical steps followed by entrepreneurs while doing business. The participants found both the sessions highly informative and useful.