National Cooperative Database


Delhi, 05 DEC 2023

A comprehensive National Cooperative Database is being developed under the Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India, in three phases. Keeping in view the diverse nature and size of cooperative sector, it was decided to create the database by collection of data in a three phased manner.
    1. Phase-I of National Cooperative Database: Under Phase-I, the mapping of about 2.64 lakh primary cooperative societies of three sectors e., Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS), Dairy and Fisheries was completed in February, 2023.
    1. Phase-II of National Cooperative Database: Under Phase-II, Mapping of National Cooperative Societies/Federations along with their General Body Members was completed. Further, their downward linkages with State Federations, District Unions and Primary Cooperative were also established. The data related to State Cooperative Banks (StCBs), District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs), Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs), State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (SCARDBs), Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs), Sugar Cooperative Mills, State Federations, District Unions and MSCS were collected directly from cooperative society or through their National/State Federations.
    2. Phase-III of National Cooperative Database: Under Phase-III, Ministry of Cooperation initiated the process of extending the National Cooperative Database to remaining more than 5 lakh cooperative societies working in all other sectors in May, 2023, through the Office of RCSs of State/UTs. Almost all States/UTs, except Kerala & Manipur, completed (97%) data entries under National Cooperative Database.

As on 24.11.2023, the total number of cooperative societies as mentioned in National Cooperative Database are 7,94,866 with 29,07,60,537 and their members details is placed in Annexure ‘A’. Sector-wise and their members details is placed in Annexure ‘A’.

The government administers multistate cooperative societies through Multistate Cooperative Society Act 2002. Under Section 77, 78, 108, 122, 123 of the Act the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies monitors functioning of multistate cooperative societies through inspection, inquiry, directions etc. The functioning of State Cooperative Societies is monitored as per the State Cooperative Acts. Further, some of the cooperative societies which are functioning as banks are also regulated and monitored by the Reserve Bank of India.

This was stated by the Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah in a  written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha.