Barnala, 14 May
As per the directions of National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi and Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar, a National Lok Adalat was organized on 14.05.2022 at District Court Complex, Barnala under the able guidance of Sh. Kamaljit Lamba, Ld. District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Barnala.
Sh. Kamaljit Lamba, Worthy Chairman, DLSA has informed that to dispose of all type of Pre-Litigative and Pending cases by compromise, total 08 benches of Sh. Devinder Kumar Gupta Ld. Addl. District & Sessions Judge, Sh. Amit Thind Ld. Principal Judge, Family Court, Sh. Kapil Dev Singla Ld. Civil Judge (Sr. Div.), Ms. Sucheta Ashish Dev, Ld. Chief Judicial Magistrate, Smt. Surekha Rani Ld. Addl. Civil Judge (Sr. Div.), Sh. Vijay Singh Dadwal, Ld. Civil Judge (Jr. Div.), Sh. Chetan Sharma Ld. Civil Judge (Jr. Div.) and Ms. Babaljit Kaur, Ld. Civil Judge (Jr. Div.) were constituted.
Sh. Kamaljit Lamba, Ld. Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Barnala informed that total 2916 cases were taken up in this National Lok Adalat and out of which 1142 Cases were disposed of and awards of Rs. 3,91,86,718/- were passed. 980 pre-litigative cases were also taken up. These are cases where parties are disputing the claims but no formal proceedings are pending in any Court. In such like cases claims can be filed on simple paper without any court fee and Lok Adalats tries to amicably resolve the dispute by calling the parties. He told that Judicial Officers made efforts in Pre-Lok Adalats and prevailed upon the parties to enter into compromise and finally awards were passed in National Lok Adalat.
In CRA-592 of 2017 titled as Jarnail Singh Vs. State of Punjab & Ors., FIR No. 224 dated 18.08.2014, U/s 341, 323, 201, 148, 149 IPC was registered against the accused Gurcharn Singh & Ors. in Police Station City Barnala and in this case accused were acquitted by the Ld. Trial Court vide judgment dated 07.03.2017. The complainant Jarnail Singh preferred a criminal appeal against the judgment dated 07.03.2017 in the appellate Court Barnala on 03.04.2017. Now this appeal was pending for arguments. After a long litigation of about 8 years, today i.e. on 14.05.2022, compromise has been effected between the parties and in this regard, the complainant suffered a statement before the National Lok Adalat. In this way, the matter has been settled amicably between the parties after a long period of 8 years.
In another case, Civil appeal no. CA-197-2019 titled as Meera Devi Vs. Pawan Kumar, Meera Devi plaintiff filed a Civil Suit against defendant Pawan Kumar on 07.10.2015, which was partly decreed by the Ld. Trial Court vide judgment dated 29.11.2019. Meera Devi preferred appeal against the judgment of Trial Court, in the appellate Court at Barnala on 20.12.2019. Now this appeal was pending for arguments. After a long litigation of about 7 years, today i.e. on 14.05.2022, compromise have been effected between the parties and in this regard, the parties have suffered statements before the National Lok Adalat. In this way, the matter has been settled amicably between the parties after a long period of 7 years.
In this end, Sh. Kamaljit Lamba, Ld. Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Barnala also informed that there are number of benefits of these National Lok Adalats like speedy disposal of cases, award of Lok Adalat is deemed to be the decree of the Civil Court, no appeal lies against the award of Lok Adalat and further decisions are taken through compromise which leads to peace and tranquility among the parties and society at large, orders regarding refund of entire Court fee are made, decisions are final in nature etc. He also informed that if any litigant is willing for settlement of his dispute through National Lok Adalat he can request the concerned Presiding Officer of the Court where his case is pending or in case of Pre-Litigative matters, request can be made to Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Barnala for taking up his/her case in the Lok Adalat. In the end, he made appeal to the people to take maximum benefit of these Lok Adalats and get speedy disposal of their disputes in future National Lok Adalats to be held on 13.08.2022 and 12.11.2022.