Online Counseling for Admission to MBA 2021-22

panjab university
punjab university

Chandigarh May 28, 2021

University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh shall hold Counseling-Cum-Admission Session  through online mode at Google Meet for admission to  MBA programme(s) of UBS, academic session 2021-2022 (as per the Provisional Merit list displayed on the UBS website on on  2nd June 2021 (Wednesday) for General Category and on 3rd June, 2021 (Thursday) for all Reserved Categories (except Sports) i.e. Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Person with Disability, Defence, Freedom Fighter,NRI/Foreign Nationals, Kashmiri Displaced Person, One Girl Child out of the only two Girl Children, Cancer/AIDS/Thalassemia, Rural Area, Border Area, and Youth Festival.

Candidates have been already informed on their registered email id etc.

In case any candidate has not received the official intimation on his/her registered email address, he/she should contact the O.S. (UBS) on email: [email protected]