Panjab University Chandigarh has announced the entrance tests schedule for admission to various courses for academic session 2025-26

Chandigarh, January 29, 2025 

Panjab University (PU), Chandigarh has announced the entrance tests schedule for admission to various courses for academic session 2025-26. The students seeking admissions at various undergraduate and postgraduate courses can now plan their preparations as per the respective entrance test schedule.

PU Controller of Examinations Prof. Jagat Bhushan informed that the entrance test for the admission to various under graduate courses in PU Campus i.e. PU CET (Under Graduate) will be conducted on May 11, 2025. The entrance tests for admissions in various Post-Graduate courses at PU Campus i.e. PU CET (Post Graduate) would be conducted on June 17 to 19, 2025.

The entrance test for Panjab University BA/B.Com LLB (Hons.) (5 Years Integrated Course) at PU Campus and Regional Centres would be conducted on April 27, 2025. Similarly, the entrance test Panjab University BA/B.Com LLB (Hons.) (3Years Integrated Course) at PU Campus will be conducted on June 29, 2025.

The entrance test for Panjab University would be conducted on September 7, 2025.

PUTHAT test for admission to Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT) and Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management (BTTM) would be conducted on April 25, 2025.

The entrance test for the B.A./ B.Com.LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Years Integrated Course Migration Test and LL.B. 3 Year Course Migration Test would be conducted on October 26 and July 27 respectively. The entrance test for Panjab University Migration Engineering Entrance Test (PUMEET) and Panjab University Lateral Engineering Entrance Test (PULEET) would be conducted on June 1.

The entrance test for MBA at Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE)   at Panjab University would be conducted on July 27.

The entrance test for B.Ed. (Chandigarh) would be conducted on July 13 and the entrance test for Joint B.Ed. Admissions (Punjab) would be conducted on August 17.