The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on everybody’s life and there is no way to escape it unless a vaccine is made. The best we can do is wear masks and follow guidelines provided by the government. Everybody has been affected badly since March and the worst affected people are the students. One precious year of their life has almost been wasted. It is impossible to get them back in the classroom due to spike in cases of corona. In India we have reached the Unlock Phase 5 of the lock down wherein government is asking states to see into the matter of reopening schools. However, when asked from parents, they refused to send back children to school due to fear of contamination. 78% of parents said that they are alright with skipping a school year but they don’t wish to send their children to school.

Since March, the studies are being conducted online which has impacted the children badly. They also don’t get to socialise which is making everything harder for them. The pandemic is taking a toll on mental and physical health of kids. Moreover, online schooling is rejected by almost 64% parents who claim that their children are unable to comprehend concepts through virtual teaching.

The children are genuinely unable to understand several things and there is no body to help them out. Their eyes are getting strained from sitting in front of the screen all day. The mental health of young kids is deteriorating qs health doctors have noticed changes in behaviour and sleep patterns of kids. It was found that several children are either sleep deprived or they over sleep. The screen time has impacted their sleep cycle. Even though offline studies are not possible, the government is trying it’s best.