The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has expressed deep grief over the passing away of legendary athlete Shri Milkha Singh Ji. Shri Modi has described him as a colossal sportsperson who captured the nation’s imagination and had a special place in the hearts of countless Indians.
In a series of tweets, the Prime Minister said, “In the passing away of Shri Milkha Singh Ji, we have lost a colossal sportsperson, who captured the nation’s imagination and had a special place in the hearts of countless Indians. His inspiring personality endeared himself to millions. Anguished by his passing away.
I had spoken to Shri Milkha Singh Ji just a few days ago. Little did I know that it would be our last conversation. Several budding athletes will derive strength from his life journey. My condolences to his family and many admirers all over the world.”