Power foods that can prevent allergies

Power foods that can prevent allergies

No one wants a weak immunity system, especially at this time. In this pandemic time, it is important that we take care of ourselves and our families. There are some super foods that help us in being fit and healthy, and prevent our body from allergies.


This magical root has the power to fight many infections inside the body and on your skin. Raw garlic destroys bacteria and viruses with a compound called allicin that is released when garlic is crushed. However, when cooked, this compound loses its power and becomes ineffective. One way to increase your intake of raw garlic is by adding it to a salad dressing, or using it as a topping. But remember to eat it in limit. Excess of garlic can lead to stomach problems.


Remember the two types of bacteria? One of them is the angel and other is the devil. Good bacteria are vital for a thriving immunity because they help fight off bacteria that cause infection. One of the best ways to get your daily dose of good bacteria is consuming yogurt. It helps in restoring digestion in the intestines. Yogurt is also high in vitamin D, which helps fight infections like the flu. However, it’s best to consume plain yogurt rather than flavoured ones that are high in sugar. Another great way to boost your  probiotic levels is by eating fermented food like idli, dosa, and even jalebi. Fermented food are predigested by good bacteria and yeast, and as a result, the nutrients get easily absorbed by the body. They also help in preventing cell damage and support the brain’s functioning.


We have heard a lot of benefits of oats, and all of them are nothing but so true. The cereal contains a fibre called betaglucan which is great for controlling cholesterol and boosting immunity. Oats are also prescribed to people who are suffering from physical and emotional exertion. Increase your intake of the good cereal. You can even treat your taste buds by adding milk, honey, nuts, dark chocolate, & flax seeds. You can also pamper your skin by applying a face mask with 1 tablespoon of oats, 1 egg white and 1 tablespoon olive oil. This will prevent skin rashes, acne and skin allergies.

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