PU extend last date of depositing fees

punjab university

Chandigarh August 27, 2020

Panjab University, Chandigarh has extended last date of depositing fees for the students of ongoing courses(For example  2nd ,3rd , 4th etc) from 31st August to 5th September 2020, informed Prof. R.K. Singla, Dean of University Instructions.

The dates of admission schedule for undergraduate courses other than BALLB/B.COM.L.L.B/CET UG Courses and Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM) and Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology [BHMCT] in University Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management (UIHTM) at Panjab University Campus has been revised as under:-

Sr. No. Subject Existing Dates Revised Dates
1 Provisional admission list to be submitted by the Departments for approval from DUI’s office 26.8.2020 31.8.2020 upto 3.00 pm
2 Approval of list of all the departments 27.8.2020 31.8.2020 -1.9.2020
3 Fees to be collected from the candidates without late fees 31.8.2020 Upto 5.9.2020

Change in admission schedule for courses is available at https://ugadmissions.puchd.ac.in

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