PU launches online portal for submission of Covid information

panjab university
punjab university

PU changes its working time from 9 am to 2 pm for two days

 Chandigarh May 17, 2021

Panjab University, Chandigarh has launched online portal through PU Main Web Page to facilitate the submission of information by the employees//Head of the offices/Branches about Covid 19 cases in their respective departments in a timely manner.

This will enable the University Administration to take adequate measure to control and contain spread of the infectious virus  after taking an urgent review and assessment of the situation on the basis of information provided by the respective departments.

Accordingly, all the employees and Heads of the offices/Branches/Departments are requested to ensure uploading of the information relating to COVID-19 cases of P.U. employees, as follows:

  1. The employees who have been tested Corona Positive and are still on quarantine leave (i.e. on the date of this Circular).
  2. Employees who came into contact with a Corona Positive person and are on quarantine leave till today.

Note: (i) the above information must be uploaded latest by 19.05.2021.

            (ii) the information of those Corona Positive employees or any employee, who had a contact with Corona Positive person in the past but as on today joined back office, need not be uploaded on the Portal.

  1. Any new case with a Corona Positive status or a case of contact with corona positive person comes into notice hereinafter must be uploaded on the Portal immediately.

All employees are once again requested to ensure strict COVID-19 appropriate behavior, such as, wearing of masks, frequent washing/sanitization of hands, maintenance of appropriate physical distancing, etc., as stipulated by the government from time to time.

Also, today in an online meeting which was attended by CA Vikram Nayyar, officiating Registrar, Prof. Sanjay Kaushik, Dean College Development Council, Dr. Jagat Bhushan Controller of Examination, DR(General), DR(Estate), DR(Establishment), representative of various unions, to review  the status of COVID-19 cases in Administrative Block, Aruna Ranjit Chandra Hall and University School of Open Learning and to suggest measures to contain the further spread of corona cases.

It was also discussed that on the one hand the University Administration has to protect the health and safety of its employees and simultaneously it has to ensure that the University must function to attend to all important and time-bound assignments.

After detailed deliberations, it was recommended that for Tuesday and Wednesday, i.e. 18th and 19th May 2021, the office timings shall be from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. with 25% strength of staff and the roster for the same shall be prepared by the concerned Head of the Department/Branches/Offices, as the case may be.

There shall not be any public dealing till Friday, i.e., up to 21.05.2021 except with the prior appointment of the concerned HOD that too for urgent issues only.

On the basis of the information received through Online Portal, the members shall meet again on Thursday, i.e., 20.5.2021 to chalk out further course of action.

With respect to Field Workers, the concerned Head of the Department/Office may take a decision to stagger their timings/strength, if required keeping in view the COVID-19 protocol.