Chandigarh, May 6:

Under the State Government’s flagship programme of Ghar Ghar Rozgar and Karobar Mission, the Employment Generation, Skill Development & Training Department has successfully provided 16.29 lakh job avenues so far since April 1, 2017 with 58508 in government departments, 5.69  lakh in private sector besides 9.97 lakh have been facilitated for self employment ventures and 4299 in army and police forces.

It may be recalled that the State Cabinet approved an employment plan on October 14, 2020 in order to recruit 1 lakh youth in Government jobs besides giving nod to 61,336 vacancies. Subsequently, as many as 31813 vacancies have already been advertised/recruitment process is underway with various departments making 7889 appointments since April 1, 2020.

Disclosing this, Employment Generation, Skill Development & Training Minister Charanjit Singh Channi said that 2.67 lakh vacancies related to private sector have been created for the 7th State Level Mega Rozgar Mela to be organized in June/July, 2021 provided the Covid situation improves considerably. “A digital platform www.pgrkam.com (Punjab Ghar Ghar Rozgar and Karobar Mission) has been functioning at the State level since January, 2020 for registration and interaction of jobseekers and employers with 11.82 lakh jobseekers and 9600 employers using the portal at present”, revealed Channi.

Pointing out further, Channi said that a foreign study and placement cell has been set up under the PGRKAM in order to provide guidance and counseling to the aspirants desirous of moving abroad on work and study visa. Meanwhile, one round of counseling has taken place so far covering 21 districts and 311 candidates, said the Minister.

Notably, the Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh laid the foundation of Sardar Bahadur Amin Chand Soni Armed Forces Preparatory Institute at village Bajwara, Hoshiarpur, on February 3, 2021 to facilitate more youth from the state to take up defence services as a career.

Likewise, District Bureaus of Employment & Enterprises (DBEE) have been established at District level as one stop shop for providing assistance to youth on employment related issues apart from undertaking various activities such as registration and creation of database of jobseekers and outreach initiatives in the form of organizing school/college talks, career conferences and exhibitions. Besides, an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) call centre is all set to commence from June 1, 2021 in order to address the queries of youth about a multitude of career options.

It may be recalled that ‘Mission Red Sky’ for rehabilitation of drug abuse victims through skilling & employment was launched on January 1, 2021 with an aim to provide employment opportunities to atleast 11,000 victims undergoing treatment at OOAT clinics. In this regard, the districts have already deputed the Nodal Officers and Mission Red Sky officials who are in the process of identifying the youth from OOAT clinics, added Channi.