Purchase & Dispensing of Buprenorphin/Naloxone made as per SOP, Civil Surgeons apprise Health Minister

  • Minister instructs Civil Surgeons to ensure the adequate availability of medicines in Govt. Hospitals
  • Approval limit of Civil Surgeons will increase to Rs 1.50 lac to clear the Medical bills
  • Assures,  Shortage of Medical Officers would be fulfilled in Government Hospitals

Chandigarh, February 17:

The purchase and dispensing of Buprenorphin/Naloxone has been made as per fully in accordance with the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), the Civil Surgeons have apprise the Health Minister Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu during the State level review meeting of Health Department. The meeting was held at newly opened State Institute for Health and Family Welfare in Kisan Vikas Chamber, Mohali.

While presiding over the meeting, the Health Minister Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu directed the Civil Surgeons to take stern action, if any private de-addiction centre has over charged the consultancy fees from the patients. He also said that Captain Amarinder Singh led Punjab Government is committed to provide the quality treatment services to patients suffering from addiction and with the concrete efforts of the Health department higher number of patients are coming to the OOAT Clinics and de-addiction centres across the state. He also asked the Civil Surgeons to pay special attention on drop out patients.

Taking up the another issue in the meeting, Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu said that any doctor who is found to prescribe such medicines that are available through in-house pharmacy/ Jan Aushadi, from outside private pharmacies or is referring patients eligible under Sarbat Sehat Bima Yojana to private hospitals, instead of availability of the treatment in the Govt hospital will face the music. He said that patients visiting Govt hospitals for any planned/ non emergency treatment is to be referred to higher Government where such services are available. He said that if the treatment is not available in government hospital, the beneficiary is to be referred to any empanelled private hospital.

Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu said that it is matter of serious concern even after regular supply of medicines, patients were helpless to buy their medicines from outside. The Minister further instructed the Civil Surgeons to ensure the adequate availability of medicines in their respective districts and fix the accountability of Senior Medical Officers.

Mr Manvesh Singh Sidhu apprised the meeting, bar coding would soon be displayed on the strips of medicines so as to reduce the physical work in Jan Aushdhi Kerndra. Mr.Balbir Sidhu said that stock of medicines has to be maintained at least for three months and Civil Surgeons should personally conduct the surprise checking of Hospitals to ensure the availability of medicines. He said that Senior Medical Officers to submit the daily reports of stock of available medicines to district hospitals.

While reviewing the sanction posts of MOs and para medical staff, the Minister directed the Secretary Health Mr. Manvesh Singh Sidhu to restructuring and rationalizes the all cadres of MOs and para-medical staff so that functioning of District Hospital and Sub Divisional Hospitals can improve. He assured the meeting that shortage of Medical Officers would soon be fulfilled in Government Hospitals.

Taking up the long pending issue of reimbursement, the cabinet Minister said that it has been observed that govt employees have faced harassment to get the approval of medical bills. Considering the issue on priority, soon the approval limit of Civil Surgeons will increase to Rs 1.50 lac, after that medical bill below the amount will be dealt at district level which will give relief to the government employees.

Key programmes such as Health and Wellness Centres, Mother and Child Healthcare, Cancer Control Programme were also discussed in the meeting.

Chairman PHSC, Mr. Amardeep Singh Cheems, Secretary Health, Mr. Kumar Rahul, Director D.H.S, Dr. Avneet Kaur, Director Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Rita Bhardwaj, Director NHM, Dr. Parvinder Singh, Director Aurved Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Director ESI, Dr. Rakesh Gupta , Prinicpal State   Institute for Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Gurminder Singh Mehmi, Director PHSC, Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Deputy Directors and all Civil Surgeons were present in the meeting.