Ramban Admin releases Rs. 14 lakh under JKBOCWWB welfare schemes   

RAMBAN, JUNE 03, 2021: Deputy Commissioner (DC), Ramban, Mussarat Islam today released Rs 14 lakh for  disbursement of  the registered construction workers and dependents of deceased construction workers under the welfare schemes of Jammu and Kashmir Building and Other Constructions Workers Welfare Board (JKBOCWWB).
Assistant Labour Commissioner (ALC), Ramban, Angrej Singh was also present.
Under the schemes, Rs 10.25 Lakh will be disbursed among the dependent family members of five deceases construction workers, while Rs 2, 99,097 to three registered construction workers as chronic diseases assistance and Rs 48,750 to two workers as disability assistance and Rs 30000 to one worker as higher education assistance for his ward who is perusing three year polytechnic course.