Rs.5 Crore released to HRTC from HPSDMA COVID Response Fund
Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur informed that in order to safeguard passengers from COVID-19 infection during festival season state government has released Rs.5 crore from HP SDMA COVID-19 State Disaster Response Fund for Himachal Road Transport Corporation for sanitization of buses and Corporation institutions. He mentioned that this step would be helpful for giving thermal guns and other safety equipments to avoid COVID-19 infection to the employees of HRTC who travel in buses and also State Government has provided an assistance of Rs. 8 crore from HP SDMA COVID 19 State Disaster Response Fund to HRTC for the safety of passengers and to keep up the losses borne by the Corporation during lockdown. He informed that HRTC has started night bus services and keeping in view demand of local people and festive season additional buses would also run.