Schemes sponsored by NCDC

Delhi, 06 DEC 2023  

The objective of National Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC) is to promote, strengthen and develop farmer cooperatives for increasing production and productivity and instituting post harvest facilities. The Corporation’s focus is on programmes of agricultural marketing and inputs, processing, storage, cold chain and marketing of  agriculture  produce and the supply of seeds, fertilizer and other agricultural inputs etc. In the non-farm sector, the Corporation endeavors to equip cooperatives with facilities to promote income generating activities, with special focus on weaker sections such as dairy, livestock,  handloom,  sericulture, poultry, fishery, scheduled caste & scheduled tribes, women cooperatives, etc.

Details of different schemes implemented/ activities assisted by NCDC are as follows:

  1. NCDC Sponsored Schemes:
    1. YUVA SAHAKAR – Cooperative Enterprise Support and  Innovation  Scheme: The scheme aims at encouraging newly formed cooperative societies with new and/ or innovative ideas. It is linked to a Cooperative Start-up and Innovation Fund created by NCDC.
    1. AYUSHMAN SAHAKAR: The Scheme has a comprehensive approach to cover hospitals, healthcare, medical education, nursing education, paramedical education, health insurance and holistic health systems such as AYUSH.
    1. NANDINI SAHAKAR: The scheme aims to improve socio-economic  status  of women and supports entrepreneurial dynamism of women through  women cooperatives. It will converge critical inputs of women’s enterprise, business plan formulation, capacity development, credit and subsidy and/ or interest subvention of other schemes.
    1. DAIRY SAHAKAR: It is a cooperative dairy business focused framework  of  financial assistance for encouraging cooperatives to achieve higher outcomes in ESG (environmental, social, governance) linked activities. It includes creation of infrastructure by cooperatives for new projects and modernization and/or expansion of existing projects.
    1. DIGITAL SAHAKAR: Aligned with the principles of Digital India, NCDC has conceived a focused financial assistance framework for Digitally Empowered Cooperatives for handholding and credit linkage by NCDC, dovetailed with grant, subsidy, incentives etc. from Government of India / State / UT / agencies with the objective of cooperatives actively partaking in Digital India.
    1. SWAYAM SHAKTI SAHAKAR YOJNA: New scheme for providing NCDC’s financial assistance to Agricultural  Credit  Cooperatives for  providing  loan/advances to Women Self Help Groups (SHGs).
    1. DEERGHAVADHI KRISHAK PUNJI SAHAKAR YOJNA: New Scheme for extending NCDC’s long term financial assistance to Agricultural Credit Cooperatives towards their onward lending of long term loans/advances for activities/commodities/services under the purview of NCDC.


  1. Other Central Schemes being implemented by NCDC:
    1. Agri Infrastructure Fund Scheme – DA&FW, Ministry of  Agriculture  and Farmers Welfare
    2. Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) sub scheme of Central Sector Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Marketing (CSISAM) for  Storage  and  other than Storage Infrastructure
    3. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) – DA&FW, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
    1. PM Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) – Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
    2. PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing  Enterprises  (PMFME)- Ministry of Food Processing Industries
    3. PM ‘Formation and Promotion of 10,000 FPOs’ scheme – DA&FW, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
    4. Fisheries & Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF) Scheme – Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying.

  a)  Marketing:

  • Margin Money /Working capital assistance
  • Strengthening share capital base of primary / district cooperative marketing societies
  • Purchase of furniture and fixtures, transport vehicles including refrigerated vans
  • Development / Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and Standardization
    1. Processing:
      • Setting up of new sugar factories (Investment Loan)
      • Modernisation and Expansion / Diversification of existing Sugar Factories (Investment loan and term loan)
      • Establishment of new/ Modernization/ Expansion/ Rehabilitation of existing spinning mills
      • Modernization/ Expansion of existing and establishment  of  modern  cotton ginning & pressing units
      • Small /medium scale agro & allied sector processing units, pre/post loom processing/ garment & knitting units
      • Setting up of other Processing units, such as Foodgrains/Oilseeds /Plantation  Crops /Fruits & Vegetables /Maize Starch/Particle Board etc.
      • Margin money /Working capital assistance
      • Share capital participation by State Government in new spinning mills


    1. Storage:
      • Construction of godowns and repair / renovation of existing godowns
      • Margin money / Working capital assistance


    1. Cold Chain:
      • Construction / expansion / modernization of cold storages
      • Establishment of Cold Chain components which broadly include (i) Integrated  pack house, (ii) Reefer transport, (iii) Cold storage (Bulk-near  farm  gate),(iv) Cold storage (Hub-near market) and (v) Ripening units etc.
      • Margin money / Working capital assistance


    1. Distribution of essential consumer articles through cooperatives:
      • Establishment of infrastructure such as shopping centre, diesel, Kerosene bunk/warehouse / new / expansion / modernization  of  wholesale  consumer  cooperative store / departmental consumer cooperative store /  consumer  federation
      • Purchase of furniture and fixture, transport vehicles including refrigerated  vans  for distribution of consumer articles
      • Margin money / Working capital assistance


    1. Industrial:
      • All types of Industrial Cooperatives, Cottage & Village Industries, Handicrafts / rural crafts etc.

g.  Credit & Service Cooperatives/ Notified Services :

      • Agriculture Credit / Agriculture Insurance
      • Water Conservation works / services
      • Irrigation, micro irrigation in rural  areas
      • Animal care / health /disease  prevention
      • Rural Sanitation, Drainage, Sewage system through Cooperatives
      • Tourism, Hospitality, Transport
      • Generation & Distribution of power by New, Non-Conventional & Renewable sources of energy
      • Rural Housing
      • Hospital / Health Care and Education
      • Creation of infrastructure for credit cooperatives
    1. Cooperative Banking Unit:
      • Assistance to PACS for creation of infrastructure relating to Modern  Banking Unit.
    1. Agricultural Services :
      • Cooperative Farmers Service Centres
      • Agro Service Centres for Custom Hiring
      • Establishment of Agricultural inputs manufacturing and allied units
      • Irrigation / water harvesting programmes


    1. District Plan Schemes:
      • Integrated Cooperative Development Projects in selected districts


    1. Cooperatives for Weaker Sections:
      • Fisheries, Dairy & Livestock, Poultry, Schedule Caste, Tribal Cooperatives,Handloom, Coir, Jute, Sericulture, Women, Hill area, Tobacco & Labour

l. Assistance for Computerisation of Cooperatives:

  • Assistance is provided for purchase / installation of computers/ hardware, system  & application software, networking, maintenance cost, technical manpower and capacity development and training.


m. Promotional and Developmental programmes:

  • Consultancy for studies / project reports, management studies,
  • Market survey & evaluation of programmes, etc.


Cumulatively, NCDC has disbursed ₹2,87,712.45 crore since inception upto 20.11.2023.  NCDC disbursements have risen steadily from ₹5,736 crore in 2014-15 to ₹41,031 crore in 2022-23. With this, NCDC has achieved about 28% average annual growth rate in  disbursement of financial assistance since 2014 -15. Expected disbursement for FY 2023-24     is envisaged as ₹50,000 crore.

This was stated by the Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah in a written   reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha.

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