SDM Zanskar holds meeting ahead of 8th Yoga Day celebrations


KARGIL, JUNE 16, 2022: To observe the 8th International Yoga Day 2022, Sub Divisional Magistrate Zanskar, Sonam Dorjay today called a meeting in his office chamber.

After a threadbare discussion, it was decided that Yoga Day will be celebrated on June 21 at Government Higher Secondary School ground and the function will start at 6:55 a.m.

Livestock Development Officer Zanskar was given the assignment as Yoga supervisor who will ensure all arrangements for the event celebration and its activities/participants in coordination with Zonal Physical Education Officer Zanskar.

It was decided that the Information Department will ensure coverage and installation of PA systems at the venue.

Executive Engineer PWD Zanskar was instructed to make available drinking water for the participants at the venue. FSC&CA Department will provide Tarpaulin at the venue. Light refreshment for the participants shall be arranged by the SDM Office.

SDM Zanskar also stressed the officers to attend the event along with their subordinates.


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