Delhi, 03 JAN 2024
Secretary, Department of Fisheries, Dr. Abhilaksh Likhi chaired a meeting to review the saline water shrimp aquaculture in the Sates of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh through Video Conference today.
During the meeting, DoF emphasised collaborative efforts from States, ICAR and other agencies to make strategy for utilising the potential saline land resources for aquaculture. It was highlighted that there is a need to tap the potential of saline land resources which are not suitable for agriculture, in these States particularly in the identified 25 districts by adopting shrimp aquaculture to generate employment and livelihood; and to create awareness for shrimp consumption. All the four States will ensure that project proposals for development of their saline affected areas are included suitably in the Annual Action Plan for the next year for requisite support under PMMSY.
It was agreed in the meeting that there are number of challenges for saline land aquaculture in these States. To address these challenges, it is felt that awareness campaign may be organised to promote Shrimp consumptions in the northern part of country with the help of ICAR, State Fisheries Departments and other agencies, to undertake survey of potential cluster and culture area in the identified 25 districts in these States. With close collaboration between ICAR-CIFE Rohtak center and States Fisheries Departments, workshops and training programs may be organised at ICAR-CIFE Rohtak center and Chandghoti KVK in Rajasthan for farmers and entrepreneurs. It was also felt that a National Level Committee may be constituted to review the existing guidelines for culture of white shrimp in fresh water/inland farms, prepare a roadmap for strengthening the existing facilities at ICAR-CIFE, Rohtak and also to prepare strategies for sustainable development of saline aquaculture in the north Indian States.
India is the 1st culture shrimp producer in the World. Shrimp contributes to more than 65% of the total seafood export of India in value terms. India has vast potential for brackish water aquaculture and also shrimp aquaculture in the saline affected areas. About 1.2 million ha potential brackish water areas are there in India. Additionally, 1.24 million ha salt affected soils are available in coastal areas. As per the ICAR-CIBA report, about 8.62 million ha of inland saline soil is available in India but only 1.28 lakh ha area is under culture. Government aims to bring additional 1 lakh ha area under aquaculture.
Saline affected areas are not suitable for agriculture. However, there is huge potential to convert these saline affected areas into aquaculture areas. Looking at the potential inland saline areas in the States of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and UP, the Department of Fisheries called for the review today at Secretary level. Shri Sagar Mehra, Joint Secretary, Department of Fisheries, Senior Officers and District Fisheries Officers from the above four State Governments, Dr. J.K Jena, DDG (Fisheries Science), ICAR, Dr. Ravi Shankar, Director, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai, Dr. Vasant Kripa, Secretary, Coastal Aquaculture Authority, Chennai, senior officers from DoF and scientists from ICAR also attended the meeting.