Secretary Ravinder visits Drass, reviews developmental works

KARGIL, MAY 16, 2022:  Secretary, Cooperatives, Power, Animal/Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries, Horticulture/Agriculture Department, UT Ladakh, Ravinder Kumar Dangi on Sunday reviewed the functioning of Marpochu Hydel Power Project, 550 kV small Hydro Project Matayen also inspected on-going sports-related development works in Drass.

The Secretary was accompanied by Chief Engineer PDD Ghulam Ahmed Mir, Director KREDA Kacho Ahmed Ali Khan, Director Animal Husbandry Dr Raza Ali, Chief Agriculture Officer, Chief Horticulture Officer, AD Fisheries, DYSSO and other concerned officers and officials.

The Secretary inspected the ongoing works at the construction site of the Ice Hockey Rink and Horse Polo Stadium Drass. The concerned officers from R&B Department informed the Secretary that the construction works on both sites are going in full swing.

The Secretary directed the concerned officer to maintain the high quality of construction materials and stressed to not compromise the quality of work. The Secretary also directed the concerned officers to enhance the space of the changing room and make it more spacious for players. He directed to finish the construction works at the stipulated time so that players can avail maximum benefits of the sports-related facilities at the earliest.

Secretary Ravinder also inspected the functioning of Marpochu Hydel Power Project Drass and stressed for technological up-gradation of the present machinery and equipment. Regarding the upgradation, he said appropriate steps will be taken at the earliest.

He appreciated the officers, engineers, and operators for supplying uninterrupted electricity supply to the locals. Meanwhile, Secretary also inspected the 550 KV small Hydro Power Project under KREDA at Matayen.

For the smooth supply of electricity supply during the winters, the Secretary directed the concerned officer to connect the project with the grid at earliest. He also appreciated the efforts of KREDA for generating alternative sources of electricity.

Earlier en route to Drass, the Secretary met farmer community at Chanigund village and gave them a patient hearing to their grievances regarding the shortage of water for irrigation and the potential threat of harmful insects on apricot trees. The Secretary assured the farmers that appropriate steps will be taken for the distressed farmers.

He also directed the concerned officers to prepare a DPR for the installation of the water pump immediately after taking due consultation with the local representatives.

To protect the apricot trees from codling moth disease, the Secretary directed the concerned officers of the Horticulture Department to immediately spray BT spray.

Later, he inspected Fish Farms at Khunda Drass and appreciated the farm owners for maintaining the fish farm and assured them of full support from the UT Administration. The Secretary also directed the concerned officer of the Fisheries Department to provide fencing of the farm under SDP at the earliest.


READ  MORE :- Secretary Ravinder visits Kargil, takes stock of development projects