Leh, May 13: Secretary, Agriculture and Horticulture, Ravinder Kumar, today visited the Agriculture Department farms and private progressive farmer units. Chief Agriculture Officer, Leh; Dr Stanzin Thekchos, OSD; District Agriculture Officer Extension Leh and Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer, Leh, accompanied Secretary Ravinder during the visit.
Secretary Ravinder inspected the mushroom cultivation and spawns production unit at the Vegetable Development Farm at Guphuks. He appreciated the initiative taken by the Agriculture Department and other activities. He directed the concerned officials to support young Agri-entrepreneurs from the region.
He directed the concerned officers for optimum use of farms and conduct experimental research with CSIR’s assistance and involve other national institutes to develop new crop models and increase farmer income during his visit to the Fodder Development Farm at Palam.
Secretary Ravinder also visited the Thiksay farm and impressed upon the concerned officials to develop Thiksay farm as a model floriculture garden. He directed the Agriculture Department officials to support floriculturists by introducing different kinds of flowers, including perennials, annual cut flower, aromatic and medicinal herbs, to help the farmers adopt the latest technology and increase their income.
Secretary Ravinder instructed the Chief Agriculture Officer (CAO), Leh, to prepare a DPR for developing departmental farms with specific priorities. He directed CAO Leh to prepare specific objectives for each agriculture farm and focus on new state-of-art technologies with the help of national research institutes.
Secretary Ravinder visited the nursery unit of Tsering Dolma and Lobzang Tsering established by the Agriculture Department. He directed the concerned officials to facilitate marketing for farmers and provide other technical support.