The winters are approaching and with it comes dryness. The skin becomes dry and gets cracked. We use lotions to heal our skin. Another major problem that we don’t pay attention to is our eyes. They become dry too and it is essential to take care of them. Some people might face this problem throughout the year because their eyes don’t produce enough tears due to changes in body and our environment. Here are some lifestyle changes to help you get rid of dry eyes:
1.Humidifier Could Come To Your Rescue: In winters and in unhealthy environments, you might want to resort to a humidifier which adds moisture to the air and prevent all the tears from drying up quickly. But make sure to keep a window open to let fresh air in.
2. Drinking Large Amount Of Water Everyday: For your eyes to remain hydrated, you need to remain hydrated first. Consume at least eight glasses of water in a day. Water is required by the body to produce tears and keep your eyes hydrated.
3. Right Positioning Of The Screen: Have you placed your computer screen the right way? If not, do it today. The screen should be at your eye level or a little below that. Make sure you take breaks in between to give rest to your eyes. Strain free eyeglasses can also be used to minimize screen strain
4. Apply Cucumber Slices: Cucumber can soothe your eyes and replenish it. They have a high water-content which hydrate the eyes. This should be done twice a week: take two pieces of cucumber and place them over your eyes for at least 15 minutes. It is proven to be effective if done regularly. This can also help you calm and relieve your nerves.