The Moon’s energy on Sharad Purnima is considered very important. Therefore, Sharad Purnima is known as the biggest full moon. According to our scriptures, some nights are very important such as Navratri, Shivaratri, Poonam’s night etc. On the special days of Sharad Purnima, Janmashtami, Radhashtami etc. One should focus on awakening Kundalini Shakti and meditating and chanting.

1.This mode is the only means of getting rid of darkness. This will help you to understand the family, others, society and yourself in a good way. Kundalini Shakti awakening spreads love and peace everywhere. It teaches us how we can develop our mind, intellect, and all the senses of our body.

2.We get to see as many effects of Kundalini Shakti as it increases. Sometimes we are very calm, sometimes we look very satisfied. Kundalini Jagran has many coloursbecause nothing is ever the same in life. Therefore, it is also called Ekras Jagran. When we come forward to adopt Kundalini Jagran, there are obstacles in our path that we overcome. We must face all these hurdles and move forward sincerely.

3.If you want to increase the power of your eyes, then see the moon every night from Dussehra to Sharad Purnima for 15 to 20 minutes every night. On the night of Sharad Purnima, if you stay in the light of the moon for 10-15 minutes then you get a lot of benefits.