Chandigarh, September 23 :- Haryana Right to Service Commission has imposed a fine of Rs. 30,000 on a mining officer Sh. Omdutt Sharma for dereliction of his assigned duty. Giving information in this regard, an official spokesperson of the Commission said that under the leadership of Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, various steps are being taken by the State Government to ensure that the benefits of the welfare schemes reaches to the last person standing in the queue. There are 584 services of 43 departments/institutions notified under the Haryana Right to Service Commission Act. He said that regular monitoring is done by the Commission to ensure time bound delivery of these notified services to the general public. The Commission regularly monitors delivery of services through SARAL Report. For the services which are not available on the SARAL Portal, the Commission calls for monthly reports from the concerned departments. Every application mentioned in these reports are perused and scrutinized by the Commission.
The spokesperson said that the Commission perused the reports of the Department of Mines and Geology from September to December, 2021 and found deficiencies in delivering services through three applications. In relation to these three applications, notice was issued to Panchkula Mining Officer, Sh. Omdutt Sharma. During the hearing, Sh. Omdutt Sharma informed that the three applications were rejected due to lack of documents. When questioned further, he stated generic reasons for delay like heavy workload and staff shortage in the office. The Commission found that Omdutt kept on circulating the files in the department without any reason, due to which there was a delay of about 400 days in disposal of these files. Though the notified timeline for grant of mineral dealer license is 45 days, Sh. Omdutt Sharma delayed the applications in question by taking 10 times more the notified timeline. The Commission has imposed a fine of Rs. 30,000 on Sh. Omdutt Sharma for laxity and negligence in this work. According to the spokesperson, delay in delivering of the notified services is absolutely unacceptable to the Haryana Right to Service Commission.