Training Program conducted by Secretary District Legal Services Authority with Police Station Chiefs

Patiala, 22 July 2021
As per the directions of Sh. Ajay Tewari, Hon’ble Judge, High Court of Punjab and Haryana-cum-Executive Chairman, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar and under the guidance of Sh. Rajinder Aggarwal, Ld. District and Sessions Judge cum Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala, a training program on Zoom App was organized with SHOs of Patiala District by Ms. Parminder Kaur, Secretary, District legal Services Authority, Patiala,. During this session, they were made aware about NALSA (Legal Services to Victims of Acid Attacks) Scheme, 2016, NALSA’s Compensation Scheme for Women Victims/Survivors of Sexual Assault/other crimes-2018, Punjab Victim Compensation Scheme, 2017 and Legal Aid at Pre-Arrest, Arrest and Remand Stage.
Apart from this, they were made aware regarding observations of Hon’ble Supreme Court in W.P. (Criminal) no. 129/2006 titled as Laxmi vs Union of India dated 10.4.2015 that the private hospitals should provide full treatment to the victims of acid attack including medicines, food, bedding and reconstructive surgeries and the obligation of the hospital, where the victims of an acid attack is first treated, to issue a certificate that the individual is a victim of acid attack, fso that such certificate can be used for treatment and reconstructive surgeries or any other scheme that the victim may be entitled to with the State Government or the Union Territory, as the case may be. Total 25 SHOs participated in the event.