UT Advisor, Dharam Pal laid a foundation stone of “Ashadeep”, Govt. Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID) Block B

UT Advisor, Dharam Pal laid a foundation stone of “Ashadeep”, Govt. Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID) Block B


Sh. Dharam Pal, IAS, Advisor to the Administrator laid the foundation stone of additional Block B in Govt. Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID) (ASHADEEP), Sector-31, Chandigarh today.

In order to meet the needs of intellectual disable persons a Government Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID) has already been functional at Sector-31.  With the passage of time in order to meet the requirement it is felt to provide additional building in addition to existing building and the Chandigarh Administration has decided for construction of additional block in GRIID.

The building of the GRIID is situated on a land measuring 6.05 acres in Sector-31, Chandigarh and the additional block having Ground floor and two upper floors, The total covered area of the building shall be 19260 Sft. The building will be completed within one year with a cost of Rs.6.94 crore.

The building have Provision 1 Yoga Hall, 1 Exhibition Hall, 1 Retiring Room, and Ramps at ground floor, 2 Office, 1 Superintendent Room, 1 A.O. Room, 1 P.R.O. Room, 1 Coordinator Room, 1 Accountant Room, at First floor and 1 Dining Hall, 1 Kitchen, 1 Pantry, 1 Store, and Ramps at second floor.

The Adviser to the Administrator also released a 149-pages accessibility audit report of Persons with Disabilities in Chandigarh as done by GRIID towards making Chandigarh a universally accessed/disabled-friendly city on the World Map. The report was prepared by a committee constituted under the chairmanship of the then Secretary of Medical Education and Research (SMER) – Sh Arun Kumar Gupta.

He also visited various vocational sections and co-curricular activity classes such as Paper Recycling Unit, Cutting and Tailoring Unit, Masala Grinding, Sanitary Napkins, Autism, Art and Craft section, Yoga and Sports—in GRIID special school.  He interacted with special educators, yoga therapists, sports teachers, and vocational instructors to know about the activities taught to students having Intellectual Disability and associated conditions. He appreciated the work of the teachers as he saw students involved in various activities such as doing yoga, playing games, and learning vocational and academic skills.

Dr.Vijay N. Zade, IAS, Finance Secretary, U.T. Sh.Yashpal Garg, IAS, Secretary Health, U.T., Dr.Jasbinder Kaur, Director, GRIID, U.T., Sh.C.B.Ojha, Chief Engineer, U.T., and Sh.Kapil Setia, Chief Architect, U.T., and other senior officers of the Chandigarh Administration were also present on this occasion.