Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam has decided to extend the due date for paying the electricity bills of various category consumers from June 7, 2021, to  14, 2021. 

Chandigarh, June 1 – Keeping in view the problems being faced by the consumers due to the lockdown, Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam has decided to extend the due date for paying the electricity bills of various category consumers from June 7, 2021, to  14, 2021.

            The Consumers whose bill due date falls between,n May 3, 2021, to June 7, 2021.  Such consumers can now pay their electricity bills without any additional charges till June 14, 2021.

            Sharing this information, the spokesperson of the Nigam said that date has been extended keeping in view the extension of lockdown period as announced by Haryana government.

            Along with this, Nigam has appealed to the consumers to pay the bills through online mode only instead of visiting the Nigam’s office.

            The spokesperson further said that Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam is always ready to solve the problems of its consumers.  Consumers can pay their electricity bills while sitting at home on epayment.uhbvn.org.in  using their Debit, Credit Card, Net Banking or Paytm, Google Pay, Phone Pe etc.

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