Workshop on Developing Covid Helper Skills conducted by NSS, 2 J&K girls Bn of GCW Gandhinagar

Workshop on Developing Covid Helper Skills conducted by NSS, 2 J&K girls Bn of GCW Gandhinagar
Workshop on Developing Covid Helper Skills conducted by NSS, 2 J&K girls Bn of GCW Gandhinagar
JAMMU,03 JULY,2021-
An Online Workshop on “Guidance for Psycho-social Counselling and Covid Helper Skills Support” was today conducted by NSS and NCC unit (2 J&K Girls Bn. Jammu) of Government P. G. College for Women, Gandhinagar, in Collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education , Ministry of Higher Education , Govt. of India for Students and Faculty members of the College.
The main objective of this Workshop was to create Teams who will voluntarily help the Covid patients and aid them emotionally and psychologically.
The focus of this Virtual Interactive Session was to provide guidance for developing Covid Helper Skills.
Ajay from MGNCRE, the Resource person of the session, explained the various methods to acquire skills of a Covid Helper in an interesting and interactive manner. He also apprised the participants about psycho-social techniques to help Covid patients to win over their stress and anxiety.
Dr. Sangita Nagari, the Principal of the College applauded the enthusiastic gathering for their active participation. She added that all the skills acquired by students in this workshop will definitely be applied by them in their local community to curb the menace of Covid 19.
The Programme was coordinated by Prof. Mala Bhasin, the NSS Programme Officer and Prof. Suman Bala, Associate NCC Officer under the able guidance of Worthy Principal of the College.