Chandigarh, September 12, 2024
Youth Akali Dal President Sarabjeet Singh Jhinjer today lambasted the Bhagwant Mann government for its vendetta politics in a video statement.”The AAP government’s desperation to defame our leader Bikram Singh Majithia has reached new heights. Despite multiple SITs and 2.5 years of investigation, they have found no evidence to prove their allegations. Now, in a last-ditch effort, they have handed over the case to the central government, conceding defeat,” Jhinjer said.
He emphasized, “This political vendetta won’t work, and Bikram Singh Majithia and Shiromani Akali Dal will emerge victorious. The respected High Court has already given a clean chit to Majithia ji, and we are confident that he will come out stronger.”
Jhinjer further highlighted the AAP government’s failures, saying, “Their health model has collapsed, the education model has failed, and the development model has yielded no results. The drug trade in Punjab has reached new heights, with young lives being lost daily due to overdose. The AAP government’s inaction and complicity have only exacerbated the problem.”
He demanded, “We urge CM Mann to focus on governance and suspend his tainted minister Harjot Bains to ensure a fair investigation into the Rs 100 crore cyber crime scam involving him and his IPS wife.”
In conclusion, Jhinjer said, “By handing over the Majithia case to the central government, CM Mann has admitted defeat and exposed his government’s vendetta politics.”EOM