10 easy tips to keep eye infections at bay in monsoons

The monsoon season has finally brought relief from the summer heat but has also led to an increase in eye infections due to higher humidity and rainwater exposure. It is important to take extra care of your eyes during this time.

Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Infection-Free During the Monsoons

  1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention for Eye Infections: Eye infections like conjunctivitis, boils, and styes are common during the monsoon season. To prevent complications, consult your eye specialist at the first sign of symptoms.
  2. Avoid Open Swimming Pools: Swimming in open pools during the rainy season can increase the risk of viral conjunctivitis. It’s best to avoid them.
  3. Skip Eye Makeup During Infection: Refrain from using eye makeup if you have an eye infection.
  4. Practice Good Hygiene with Contact Lenses: Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses to prevent infections. Never touch your eyes or lenses with dirty hands.
  5. Consider LASIK Treatment: If you’re tired of dealing with foggy and wet spectacles, LASIK treatment can be a good option for clear vision without glasses.
  6. Do Not Share Personal Items: Avoid sharing handkerchiefs, towels, or makeup kits, as this can spread infections.
  7. Avoid Rubbing Your Eyes: Rubbing your eyes can introduce bacteria and cause infections. Consult your eye doctor if you have persistent itching.
  8. Maintain Cleanliness: Washing your eyes 1-2 times a day with clean water can help keep them healthy and free from irritants. During the rainy season, wash your eyes with fresh water at regular intervals.
  9. Handle Makeup with Care: Be extra cautious with eye makeup during the monsoon. Remove it properly before sleeping and avoid sharing it with others.
  10. Use Protective Eyewear: Wear protective glasses when riding bikes or walking on the road to shield your eyes from dust, rain, and other irritants.