10 health-related facts you must know about Pineapple 


1. Pineapple is healthy to be eaten every day. However, it is not suggested for diabetic people to eat pineapple daily as it is sweeter.

2. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and manganese which increases bone density and on another hand, it lessens the risk of osteoporosis. The vitamins and minerals pooled in pineapple are good during pregnancy as well.

3. Pineapple is a good source to lose weight. They are rich in fibre that enhances metabolism and burns calories. The bromelain, a property of the fruit, also helps in breaking down protein and supporting digestion.

4. The best time to eat pineapple for the gym freak is a post-workout snack. You can have pineapple between meals also. During summers, try to drink pineapple juice as it is hydrating and beat the heat.

5. A frequently asked question related to pineapple is can we eat pineapple before bed? The answer is yes, you can have pineapples at night as they help you to fall asleep faster.

6. The high bromelain content in pineapple can cure respiratory problems, breaks down lung mucus in tuberculosis and is even great for relieving asthma.

7. It is proven that pineapple is good for the skin due to the great source of Vitamin C, AHA, Ascorbic Acid which is great for the skin and has anti-ageing properties which keep your skin radiant.

8. Pineapple can be helpful for detox as it has infused water as a detox drink. Pineapple has a large number of antioxidants that can promote the body’s natural detoxification.

9. There is a myth regarding the pineapple that it is not a solution to joint pain. But pineapple has a source named Bromelain that is an effective pain reliever. So, eating pineapple can be useful for decreasing joint pain.

10. Apart from diabetic patients, people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux and kidney problems should abstain from eating pineapple and pineapple juice.