3-day capacity-building training program on ECBC, ENS continues in Kargil

Kargil, October 07, 2022 :- 
Power Development Department (PDD) Ladakh under the guidance of Chief Engineer, PDD Ghulam Ahmed Mir in collaboration with The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI) today on the second day continued the three-day capacity-building training program on Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) and Eco Niwas Samhita (ENS) at Conference Hall, Baroo.
The training program emphasized on means to energy conservation at commercial and residential buildings as its consumption has tremendously increased in the country.
J.K Vyas and Manoj Singh presided as master trainers for the second day of three-day training program. Both trainers shared their experiences and gave a detailed presentation on the pattern of electricity consumption in commercial and residential buildings in the country.
Speaking on the occasion, Singh said that the code (ECBC) trains the people related to the field and how to make buildings energy efficient. He added that in Ladakh they are trying to incorporate passive solar designing techniques in commercial buildings.
Singh informed the engineers present on the occasion that in near future there would be shortage of energy so it is necessary to inform people how to improve energy efficiency.
It was informed that 24 percent of electricity is consumed by residential buildings when the country’s total electricity consumption as per Energy Statistics of India 2021 stands at 12,91,494 GWh in 2019-20.
The ECBC and ENS are the set of guidelines developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power under the aegis of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 to bring energy efficiency standards to reduce energy consumption in commercial and residential buildings.
Engineers who participated in the training program were given practical training.
Executive Engineer KDA Murup Dorjay, Executive Engineer PMGSY Manzoor Ahmad, JE KREDA Mohd Ibrahim, AEE PMGSY Fiza Banoo, JE KDA Mohd Ali, officers and officials of various departments attended the training program.
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