5 Best Drinks to get rid of cold and flu

Many Indian homes utilize appropriate medicine and rely on traditional remedies to speed up the healing process for common colds and coughs. These home remedies not only efficiently heal common colds and coughs, but they also have no negative side effects. Just make sure you’re not allergic to any of the components and don’t eat too much of them in order to recover quickly. So go inside your kitchen and acquire these simple and effective home remedies to help you treat a common cold or cough.

Soups are beneficial for colds since they are high in vitamins and nutrient-dense vegetables. Including a variety of veggies in your soup can help you obtain a good dosage of phytonutrients, which are important for a healthy immune system. They can also help to decrease inflammation in the body, which helps to alleviate cold symptoms.

Chicken soup might also help to relieve the symptoms of a cold or the flu. The hot soup relieves congestion, while the salt soothes a sore throat. A sprinkle of black pepper powder will give it a kick, which can help clear your sinuses.

Garlic helps to remove mucus or phlegm from the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Allicin, which possesses antibacterial and antifungal effects, is assumed to be the cold-fighting ingredient in garlic. Garlic has been shown in studies to aid in the treatment of colds and flu. It’s recommended to eat raw garlic or aged garlic extract to get the most out of it.

Black pepper has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that help prevent illnesses like colds and coughs. To your daily cup of chai, add freshly crushed black pepper or black pepper powder, as well as a sprinkle of sea salt. Salt can help you cough less by reducing phlegm and mucus at the back of your throat.

Turmeric blended with warm milk is a popular and efficient cold and cough remedy. Turmeric is high in antioxidants and can aid with a variety of health issues. Turmeric, which contains a chemical called curcumin, can successfully alleviate dry cough. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm turmeric milk to aid with healing.