5 most common reasons for toothache

National Toothache Day is observed to increase public awareness of the common causes of dental pain and to promote practical treatments that will keep your smile beautiful and pain-free. There are several things that might cause toothache, from cavities to gum disease. Understanding the root causes of toothaches allows people to take action to safeguard their oral health and prevent unneeded pain and discomfort.

Five common causes of toothache are:

1. Decay

This is the cause of dental cavities, which can generally be resolved with just a filling and only cause mild to moderate discomfort. When decay-causing germs enter the tooth’s nerve, it can cause excruciating pain that can be relieved by a root canal.

2. Gum issues

All of the mouth’s supporting tissues, including the bone and ligaments under the teeth, might experience discomfort as a result of the progressive gum disease. Before any discomfort develops, we must make sure that gum problems are under control when they are bleeding.

3. Oral disease

Patients who practice poor oral hygiene may develop severe infections that may even spread to other parts of their bodies. These are typically characterized by pus and bacterial collections, which may or may not be accompanied by pain. The underlying cause of the disease must be removed in order to treat these, but oral medicine may also be required.

4. Impacted wisdom teeth 

These wisdom teeth, which haven’t fully erupted out of the mouth and have developed into locations where food gets caught, causing gum infections as well, are some of the most painful conditions we can see, with swelling and radiating pain following them. The parts of the face, temples, and jaw where this discomfort is most intense

5. A broken or injured tooth

A person may experience the most pain if they lose or shatter a tooth in a dental mishap. Depending on the type of trauma, whether it was caused by a fall or purposeful harm, there may be significant bleeding and edema in addition to this. Some athletes or people in high-impact professions may encounter this kind of circumstance frequently.